Project Profile


A project profile is an important document that outlines the key elements of a project. It helps to summaries and present the purpose, objectives, and scope of the project in a concise manner. It is typically used to provide detailed information about a particular project to stakeholders such as investors, sponsors, and team members.

What is the project profile?

By using a well-prepared project profile, stakeholders can quickly get an overview of the entire scope and purpose of the proposed project and plan accordingly. Furthermore, it will help them identify potential risks or opportunities associated with the development or implementation process better. A project profile is an overview of a specific project that helps stakeholders understand the scope and purpose of the project, as well as its timeline and budget. It provides a snapshot of key information related to the project, including goals, objectives, resources needed, risks and dependencies. The goal of creating a project profile is to help ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page and have access to necessary information. This can help ensure successful outcomes by reducing confusion and promoting collaboration among team members.

What is the purpose of the project profile?

The purpose of a project profile is to provide an overview of the project and its goals. It should include all relevant information about the project such as its objectives, timeline, cost estimates, risks and opportunities. The preparation of a good project profile requires careful planning and analysis so that it can effectively communicate key aspects of the proposed project.

Elements of project profile:

A project profile is a document that provides an overview of a project and its key elements. The key elements of a project profile may vary depending on the type and scope of the project, but here are some common elements that are typically included.

Project Description: A brief description of the project, its objectives, and its scope.
Project Goals and Objectives: Clear and measurable goals and objectives of the project.
Project Timeline: A detailed timeline that outlines the major milestones and activities of the project.
Project Budget: The estimated budget for the project, including all anticipated costs.
Project Team: The names and roles of the project team members, along with their areas of responsibility and expertise.
Project Risks and Assumptions: A summary of the potential risks and assumptions associated with the project.
Project Deliverables: The expected deliverables of the project, including any reports, documentation, or other materials that will be produced.
Project Stakeholders: The key stakeholders involved in the project, including sponsors, customers, and end-users.
Project Benefits: The expected benefits that will be derived from the project, including any measurable outcomes or return on investment.
Project Management Approach: A description of the project management methodology that will be used to manage the project.
Overall, the project profile should provide a clear and concise overview of the project, its objectives, and its key elements, to help stakeholders understand what the project is all about, and how it will be managed and executed.

Elements to prepare project profile:

A) Executive summary of the Project:

1 . Brief Description of the Project

2. Name, Location, Product/Services, Capacity

3. Fixed cost of the Project & Means of Finance

4. Production Capacity, Price and Revenue Generation

5. Short Financial Forecast

B) Management :

1 . Name of sponsors, Directors of the company, their background and experience.

2. Comment on the management and financial capabilities and track record.

3. Performance of other concerns, if any, where such Directors are involved.

4. Details of foreign collaboration, if any.

5. Names of Directors who will be responsible for supervising the administrative and technical aspects, both at the implementation and production stages.

C) Market :

1 . Proposed product-mix/service to be offered.

2. Capacity to be developed.

3. Existing demand along with future projection.

4. Capacity already developed.

5. Actual capacity utilization.

6 . Demand-supply gap.

7. Pricing of proposed product/service.

8. If the product/service is import-substitute, duty structure of imported items.

9. Distribution channel.

D) Technical :

1. Location area of land and if development of land is required, the cost thereof.

2. Communication facilities.

3. Availability of utilities.

4. Civil works – (Type of building and specifications of construction, covered area, estimated cost).

5. Plant and machinery

6 . Imported machinery

i. C&F cost

ii. Other cost

iii. Country of origin

7. Local machinery.

8. Erection and installation.

9. Technology transfer, if any

10. Raw materials

11 . Imported

i. C&F cost

ii. Duty and taxes

iii. Other costs

12. Local raw and packing materials

13. Manpower

14. Managerial and technical

15. Administrative and sales

16. Labor:

i. Skilled

ii. Semi-skilled

iii. Unskilled

17. Furniture and fixture

18. Office equipment

19. Transportation

20. Safety provision

21. Waste disposal

22. Implementation schedule

E) Financial aspects :

1. Assumption for financial analysis

2. Cost of the project and means of finance

3. Estimate of working capital

4. Sales estimate

5. Projected income statement

6. Cost of service/goods sold

7. Gen, administrative and selling expenses

8. Break-even analysis

9. Pay-back period

10. Cash-flow statement

11. Projected balance sheet

12. Debt-service coverage ratio

13. Internal rate of return

14. Ratio analysis

15. Sensitivity analysis

F) Economic aspects:

1. No. of jobs created

2. Cost per job created

3. Contribution to GDP

4. Earning in foreign exchange or foreign exchange savings.



Preparing a project profile is an important step in initiating any project, as it serves as a roadmap for the project team and other stakeholders. The following are key aspects to consider in preparing a project profile:

Project Purpose and Objectives: Clearly define the project’s purpose and objectives, including the intended outcomes or deliverables.
Scope of Work: Determine the project’s scope and any constraints or limitations that may impact its success. This includes defining the project boundaries, deliverables, and activities that will be performed.
Stakeholder Analysis: Identify all stakeholders, including internal and external parties, who will be affected by the project or who will have an impact on its success. Analyze their interests, expectations, and requirements, and determine how to best engage and manage them.
Project Timeline: Develop a realistic timeline for the project, including key milestones and deadlines, and allocate resources accordingly.
Budget and Resources: Determine the resources required for the project, including personnel, equipment, and materials, and develop a budget that aligns with the project’s scope and objectives.
Risk Management: Identify potential risks and develop a risk management plan to mitigate them, including a plan for managing any issues that may arise during the project.
Communication and Reporting: Determine the communication channels and protocols for project stakeholders, including the frequency and format of reporting, and establish a process for addressing project issues or changes.
Project Governance: Establish a governance framework for the project, including roles and responsibilities of the project team, sponsors, and other stakeholders.

Overall, the key aspects to consider in preparing a project profile are to define the project’s purpose and objectives, scope of work, stakeholder analysis, project timeline, budget and resources, risk management, communication and reporting, and project governance. These aspects will help ensure that the project is well-planned and executed, and that it aligns with the organization’s goals and objectives.

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Project Profile FAQ

A project profile consists of the activities that are required to complete a project. For example, the project profile for building a bicycle might include activities such as purchasing parts, assembling frames, building brake assemblies, and painting the assembled bicycle. These activities define the project profile.

A Profile Uses Broad Estimations for Costs and Income: In preparing a detailed project it is expected that the applicants will make every reasonable effort to obtain accurate information as to costs and income (including yields and prices).

Project profiling ensures that the project execution plan is perfect or efficient by providing a snapshot of what the project will look like or should look like.
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